“Easter Eggs”, 3’ 23”,
Common traits have been part of my research: the
artificiality of a process, the evident signs left
to underline the ambiguity
of communication, the virus of uncertainty, the necessary
reflection on the appearances of imagery, a constantly
temporary state.
The Easter Eggs video portrays people walking inside
an exhibition and watching a video projection. These
are invisible: you can tell their presence only by
their shadows on screen, as if they were standing in
front of
the projector. Real, flesh-and-bone visitors that will
attend the installation and pass by the screen will
project their own shadows on it, side by side with
virtual visitors.
The shadows of these virtual visitors should appear
and behave like people at an exhibition. By their silhouette
you may recognize some typical characters: collectors,
students, artists, journalists. They walk, stop, watch
the video on the screen and talk to each other. They
care when some other shadows occasionally commit some
violent acts - they fight, one is killed.
A part of the background video shows e-eggs, useless
but sometimes intriguing programs (containing messages,
or sound effects) made by software developers of well-known
computer programs to show off their ability and creativity.
These e-eggs are hidden inside commercial software,
and they can be launched only by typing some undocumented
of commands or keystrokes.
Other parts the background video show abnormal and
dramatic excerpts from the popular ‘The Sims’ videogame.
Virtual visitors together with real visitors will watch
this videogame that just aims to simulate real life.
Ironically, the scenes extracted from the Sims quickly
become grotesque
and absurd, far from real life.
Virtual models become as true as the real ones; real
and virtual worlds meet in a third element - the shadow.
video intends to deceive our perceptive capabilities
and question the idea of identity.
Debora Hirsch |
Born 1967 in Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Education |
Graduated in Industrial Engineering at Polytechnic of
Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo |
Master in Business Administration at Bocconi University,
Milan |
Self taught in art |
Selected exhibitions |
2003 |
VideoWindows, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, |
La Creazione Ansiosa, Museo di Palazzo Forti, Verona, |
Fair Play, PLAY Gallery for Still and Moving Pictures,
Berlin, |
CITTˆZIONE, video installation at Rizzoli, Milan |
La pittura come concetto, Palazzo Ducale di Massa, Massa |
The Image of the woman in the Art of 3rd Millennium,
installation at the ex Convento delle Scuole Pie, Brindisi |
2002 |
Temp Id (solo exhibition), Galleria Antonio Colombo,
Milan |
VideoRom 4.0, Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Roma (MACRO),
Rome |
Torino Incontra LÕArte Award, 2002, 6th edition, Turin |
VIDEO.IT, Galleria di Arte Moderna di Turin (GAM) and
Care Of, Turin |
Europa Video Art, Chiesa San Paolo, Modena; Acc. Galerie
Weimar, Weimar; Galleria Canen, Castell˜ De La Plana |
International Art Festival of WorldÕs People, World Cup,
Seoul |
OPEN2002 - 5th International Exhibition of Installations,
Venice Lido |
New Acquisitions, Museo di Palazzo Forti, Verona |
VideoRom, Galleria Zanutti, Milan |
Viasatellite, Mercati Traianei, Rome |
Geipeg, Galleria Dina Carola, Naples |
2001 |
Emporio 2, Viafarini and Care Of, Milan |
Guardaroba: Liberi e Vestiti, Ex Monastero di Santa Scolastica,
Bari |
Le Muse Inquietanti, Fondazione Pino Pascali, Polignano
a Mare |
Ultra Corpi, Chiesa e Chiostro di S. Agostino, Pietrasanta |
Premio Cairo Communication 2001, Posteria, Milan |
Debora Hirsch (solo exhibition), Galleria ES, Turin |
2000 |
Soap Opera, En Plein Air Arte Contemporanea, Pinerolo |
40o Premio Suzzara, Galleria Civica di Suzzara, Suzzara |
21 Artisti del XXI Secolo, European Show, Castello dÕOtranto |