The title (Italy is a republic, democratic, founded on labour) refers to the first article of the Italian constitution. The chosen aesthetic of this movie is like a social documentary that is based on the idea of labour as a necessary manual condition. A selection of people is put together in different locations. They attempt to change the meaning of the locations with utopian working interventions, which are not functional. The work is divided into three primary activities: framing, fishing and building. In the process these activities lose some of their sense and functionality, transforming them into a paradoxical and aesthetic procedure. The idealist principles of the constitution give the actions a symbolic and heroic view.
-Rossella Biscotti
1978 born in Molfetta (BA), Italy. Lives and works in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Rossella Biscotti enter into the contemporary art scene with video works and installations that explore the border of the reality into the everyday life. With her videos she questions the idea of time (historical time, real time, fiction time) and she uses the documentary aesthetic to emphasise the connection between these different moments.
Solo Exhibitions
Xavier Martin and Rossella Biscotti, Cypres Galerie, Leuven (BE)
L’Italia è una repubblica democratica fondata sul lavoro, Galerie Paolo Boselli, Brussels (BE)
Rossella Biscotti e Danilo Donzelli, Galleria T293, Napoli (IT)
Group Exhibitions
Beautiful nature, GAM, Castel San Pietro Terme (IT) curated by Synapser (catalogue)
Video invitational, Viafarini, Milano (IT)
Cascoland SA, Public Art in Crossroads, Cape Town (South Africa)
I costruttori: il corpo del lavoro 1906-2006, Castel Sismondo, Rimini and Palazzo Belmonte-Riso, Palermo (IT) (catalogue)
Il grande teatro del mediterraneo, Teatro Clitunno, Trevi (IT) curated by Trevi Flash Art Museum (catalogue)
Beograd nekad I sad, Prodajna Galerija, Belgrade, curated by M. Stamenkovic and J. Van Woensel
Adam, different locations, Amsterdam (NED) curated by Smart Project Space
Fuijama, Archeo DOC Festival, Napoli (IT)
Padiglione Italia-Out of Biennale, Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi (IT) (catalogue)
Honey money, Assab one, Premio Masay Art Factory, Milano (IT)
Conflitto e conflitti, GAM, Bologna (IT) curated by Synapser
Prototipi 03, Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Roma, curated by S. Chiodi and B. Pietromarchi (catalogue)
Young Italian artists, Galerie Paolo Boselli, Brussels (BE)
Anteprima- Quadriennale, Palazzo Reale, Napoli (IT)
Collaudi, GAM, Bologna (IT) curated by M. Altavilla e D. Lotta (catalogue)
Start, Care/Of, Milano, curated by L. Aiello and T. Fattaposta
Perspective, El Adelph, Roma, curated by P. Capata and M. Bastante
Space is still the place, TPO, Bologna, curated by M. Altavilla and A. De Manincor
Doppiavù, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena (IT)
III Mostra d’Art Sonor y Visual, Convent de Sant. Augustì, Barcelona (ES)
Tracce di un seminario, Viafarini /Care/Of, Milano, curated by G. Di Pietrantonio and A. Vettese
Mostra di fine corso, Como (IT) curated by G. Di Pietrantonio and A. Vettese (catalogue)
STEP, European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam
Movin’up, Giovani Artisti Italiani, Torino (IT)