“The dark side”
by Pierre Coulibeuf


“For your eyes”
by Jeanne Susplugas

September 28 - October 7, 2006
Opening: September 28, 2006 / 7pm
In the frame of “ART FRANCE BERLIN”
The dark side - teaser   For your eyes - teaser

“The dark side”
by Pierre Coulibeuf

An installation made of several moving images. This installation, conceived especially for Berlin, has been created starting from the brand new 35mm film ‘Pavillon noir.’ The film is based on corporeal actions of Angelin Preljocaj and the new building by Rudy Ricciotti in Aix-en-Provence.

The work is part of a cross-disciplinary project that, in this case, brings together architecture, choreography, cinema, video-installation and photography. The work creates a space at the borders of all these disciplines.

From the matrix film to the installation. A whole chain of reality’s visions-interpretations, using different media in order to suggest an unknown to the audience. Reality is simulated, not represented.

“For your eyes”
by Jeanne Susplugas

On a close up, two big orange eyes, surprised are looking at us. They are made of plastic, coming from a doll. She blinks her eyes. This blink opens a scene, a short animation where a little girl holds a bleeding animal. With a blond little tales and her sexy short, she smiles with satisfaction.

Then again, close up on the doll’s eyes. This time, her big green eyes look on the side. A little worried, she blinks her eyes and a new scene opens. A little innocent girl, weapons on her hands, cuts little animals.
Those animations, made with drawings, play on the contrast. Technical contrast, inside the same drawing, different styles are used, going from acid graphic, close to children drawings, to mangas. Emotional contrast between innocence and cruelty.

Four animations cut by blinking eyes. Those, apparently mischievous, funny and seducing, quickly show disturbing details. They evoke themes on the limit with tabou.

downloadable press-release and images
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